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Maura Judkis

Spicy candy is going to be big this year. But why can’t you taste the heat?

In the past year, America’s confectioners collectively got the hots for spicy candy. Jolly Rancher Hotties hit stores last summer. They were followed by Sour Patch Kids Fire and S...

OpenTable asks restaurants to provide a safe space for women in kitchens

If you work in a restaurant, you might soon be seeing a sign posted in your place of employment that shows its zero tolerance for harassment. The sign is the most visible part of ...

At least on Yelp, diners prefer independent restaurants over chains

Some big chain restaurants are in trouble, it’s clear. Their sales are decreasing. Last quarter was their weakest since the recession. Blame millennials! And now, some more bad news: Their Y...

These new onions won’t make you cry, but they might make your taste buds sad

Onions might be the most metaphoric of all ingredients. They can be sweet or spicy, and they contain layers. And most poetic of all, they bring tears to our eyes. As the poet Pabl...

The new Diet Coke is zesty, feisty and so thirsty for millennials’ approval

President Donald Trump, who reportedly drinks 12 Diet Cokes a day, can switch up his routine. Coca-Cola announced Wednesday that it gave the beloved brand a makeover and plans to introduce n...

‘Recipes are dead’

Are apps the future of cooking?

Behold, the latest wait-in-line, Instagram-your-purchase status food: Cheese tea

We’ve nearly made it through 2017, a year that gave us the unicorn frappuccino, pea milk, the gummy bear juice cleanse, pumpkin spice deodorant, and its greatest (worst) gift, microwaveable ...

Native American chefs resist the ‘Columbusing’ of indigenous foods

For Ignacio chef, holiday is not about food

The 7-day green juice gummy bear cleanse is a real thing

Tounge-in-cheek candy kit not intended as diet

This trendy ingredient turns foods black and promises to purify you

If all of 2017’s trendy foods could be likened to a high school stereotype, the Unicorn Frappuccino would be the sequined prom queen, and the millennial pink smoothie bowl would be her bubbl...

‘Froyo’ and ‘Sriracha’ are now in the dictionary. What took you so long, Merriam-Webster?

This is the life cycle of a food trend: First, it starts bubbling up in cool boutique shops in New York or Los Angeles or San Francisco, and then every city in America has it. It goes mass-m...

This part of your morning routine could be causing your afternoon sugar craving

If you’re frequently tempted to buy a treat from the pastry case at your favorite coffee shop, there’s a good reason – and it’s not just your lack of willpower. A new study on coffee has fou...